Six Ways to Get Promoted

  • Posted: 10 October 2019

At some point in time, most of us have had exposure to people who seemed to be perfect at nearly everything they do. Whether it be in the workplace, university, school or even on the football pitch, these people tend to be naturals at their given tasks, not requiring over-explanation or attention from peers or superiors to execute what’s needed. If this person isn’t you, sitting on the sidelines, watching as they achieve, excel and potentially receive promotions ahead of you can sometimes be frustrating. At these times, holding bitterness will not get you any further forward. It will only keep you back as you ponder across what could have been. Maintaining self-awareness and being critical of your strengths and weaknesses is always extremely important during the road to success. Hence, as professionals sometimes we must stop, think and assess scenarios when we have come up short, to recognise what the achievers are doing differently. 

The good news is that these achievers aren’t doing anything outside the realm of your capability. Utilising a combination of improved attitude, developed skills and self-awareness, you too can position yourself to receive that promotion you’ve been working to achieve.


Listed below are Six Ways to Get Promoted.


Always Exceed Expectations 

High calibre performers not only complete their set tasks to an exceptional level, but they also use initiative to find other jobs to assist with across the business. The workers who typically get promoted go out of their way to lend a helping hand when they can and ultimately align with the organisation to ensure operations are functioning as best as possible. Promoted professionals use innovation to find new ways to complete old tasks more effectively and efficiently.


Choose the Right Setting for Your Key Skills 

If you’re a qualified expert in the field of chemical engineering, taking a financial position might not be the way to get noticed ahead of the pack. To get seen as the front runner, you need to focus your time and energy into tasks where your skills are the highest vs the rest of the pack. One exception to the above would be if you were also a finance degree qualified professional looking to develop in a stream where technical engineering & financial knowledge was a dual requirement. 


Maintain Good Relationships with Your Peers and Superiors 

Exceptional performers are usually well-liked by other employees in the business, which probably indicates a sound level of emotional intelligence. Typically, they can always find common ground with employees at the bottom level of the company, right up to senior management. This is a critical requirement if you are seeking to be promoted. You must be respected in some way by your peers. Otherwise, it is unlikely you will be the inspiring individual the business needs for the promotion opportunity. 


Know the Business Values & Drivers, Inside & Out 

Brilliant employees tend to study the most intricate of details associated with their superiors and primary organisational goals. They are hungry for information which will lead them to success, and they can typically be found attending to extracurricular projects or meetings which will aid their cause. Promotable achievers are always working in parallel with the organisational end goal, not their own. 


Don’t Expect the Promotion for Nothing

Many professionals these days feel that just because they have been in a company longer than someone else, they deserve the promotion. The fact of the matter, just like everything else in life, you are entitled to nothing… You must be willing to work for it or earn it through measured achievements and success. Sitting steady in cruise control, making no change or improvement to business function is not the way to stand out. Working hard and showing dedication to the cause is the way to get there. 


If all Fails – Ask Exactly What You Need to Do

Typically, all businesses set action plans and hold regular career reviews. This time is generally your chance to understand what outcomes need to be achieved each day, week, month to receive a promotion. Leave no stone unturned and do not leave the meeting without addressing concerns or being willing to negotiate on things you feel might be unrealistic. Unfortunately, some managers may set impossible tasks within your action plan to keep you down. Be prepared to ask questions and challenge a point (respectfully) if required. If your business doesn’t hold career reviews, request one and figure out what you need to do to advance in your career. If nothing seems to stick out or you are still being blocked even though you are doing everything asked of you, it might be time to leave the company.

Being promoted is a brilliant thing. It shows your business is not only happy with your performance, but they are invested in your professional growth and development. Be willing to work hard and change personal & professional behavioural patterns if required. The journey will not always be comfortable, but it will always be worth it in the end. The challenge and difficulty sometimes endured; earns the badge of honour you hold with the leadership title. Take pride in what you do, stand out and be willing to go the extra mile. As Moliere once said – “The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it”.

Dan McComb - Director
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